Council 'Gobsmacked' By Response To Petition

Public support gives mandate for a by-law to ban public spitting

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Over 5,300 residents have signed up to Hounslow Council’s petition to ban spitting in public.  

Councillor Ed Mayne , cabinet member for community safety and regulatory services, said: “This is an excellent result and sends out a message loud and clear that thousands of residents want to stamp out spitting in Hounslow.”

Hounslow launched its petition to ban spitting in public on the 23 September 2013, after a council motion proposing a ban on spitting received cross party support earlier this year. In order to introduce a ban, the council needs to demonstrate public support for a by-law.

Councillor Liz Mammatt , who proposed the motion, said: “I should really like to thank our residents for their magnificent support. Many people feel really strongly about this anti-social and unhygienic habit so we now have a mandate to seek the Government’s approval for a by-law to outlaw spitting.”

January 16, 2014