Call For Local Twitterati To Give Opinions

Hounslow Council wants you to tweet on its customer service



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Hounslow’s twitterati will have the chance to let the council know what they think about its customer services on Friday, 8 February.

The council is consulting on its customer services and wants twitter users to share their views with the council’s official twitter account @LBofHounslow, which already has almost 2,000 followers.

Many people already use twitter to report issues such as dumped rubbish or litter, or complain when they think the council has let them down.

Questions the council wants to address include:

  • How can the council improve how it deals with complaints via social media such as twitter?
  • Is the council’s twitter service good enough?
  • What else would people like to see the council doing via social media?

Cllr Sue Sampson, cabinet member for performance and customer care, said:

“It’s important that whenever anyone gets in touch with us, they receive a good level of service, and receive the information or advice they need as quickly and as simply as possible.

“We know different people want to interact with us in different ways – in person, on the phone, or using our online self-service – so we want to make sure that however they want to do it, it works for them.

“We’ve already run a series of focus groups, but we want to hear from people who use twitter to help us understand how we can improve what we do.”

Cllr Sachin Gupta, cabinet member for communications and communities, said:

“Using Twitter gives us a chance to hear directly from residents in a way that more and more of them are using.

“It’s simple to use and we already know people aren’t afraid to let us know what they really think, so I hope lots of them will take this chance to help us improve how we serve them.”

Questions the council wants to address include:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the council’s customer services?
  • What improvements should be made?
  • What experience have people had of getting the right information or service first time?
  • How can the council be more consistent?
  • What experience have people had of self-service?
  • How can self-service be made easier for everyone to use?

February 6, 2013