Higher Priority to Be Given to Housing Ex-Service Personnel

Mary Macleod wins campaign on behalf of former members of the Armed Forces


Mary Macleod on a recent visit to Afghanistan

Ex-Service Personnel 'Should Get Housing Priority'

Mary Macleod goes to Afghanistan

Brentford and Isleworth Constituency

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Ex-servicemen and women will now be placed at the top of the housing ladder under dramatic new guidelines announced today. The changes, which will give special priority to those who have served in the armed forces in the last five years, come after a long campaign spearheaded by local MP Mary Macleod.

Mary commented, “Those who serve in our armed forces deserve to be prioritised for housing and these changes, which have now been voted through by Hounslow Council, make that a reality.”

The move is part of a major shake-up of Hounslow’s housing policy which has been undergoing review over recent months. Mary added, “After meeting with our forces in Afghanistan last year I heard firsthand the pressures that our servicemen and women go through on their return to the UK.

“Absolutely everything needs to be done to ensure that those who have fought so bravely for our country are given the support that they and their families deserve. This decision will make a real difference to their lives.”

Under the changes emergency housing will now be allotted accorded to two priority bands. Those awaiting discharge within 6 months will be placed into priority band 2 whilst those who have been discharged within the last 5 years will be awarded the top band.

Mary commented “It is the responsibility of local councils to decide where housing priority lies and I am pleased that the right decision has been made. We have campaigned hard to raise awareness of this issue and I hope that other London councils will now follow our lead.”

April 19, 2012