Orchards Of London Supports Movember | |||
Moustache growing in aid of mens' cancer charities
Orchards of London, which has branches in Chiswick and Ealing, is supporting ‘Movember’, the month of moustaches, to raise money and awareness of prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The team captained by Paul Connolly, with colleagues John Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Michael Oden, and Lewis Pugh has raised £440 so far and donations are coming in on a daily basis. You can follow the progress of the Orchards team at: uk.movember.com/team/712257 Team member John Murphy is currently in full flow of moustache cultivation for the cause and would very much appreciate support through sponsoring him via his Mo Space page; mobro.co/johnjeremiah. In return, he will be posting daily updates of the growth for amusement (or horror) and you can follow the adventures of his Mo through his Mo Space page or via twitter; @john_jeremiahM. Another Movember Man is Southfield Councillor, Gary Malcolm. Usually spotted sporting beard and moustache, the Liberal Democrat Group Leader on Ealing Council has taken the plunge the other way and gone bare faced - all in aid of growing it back for charity this month. He's hoping to raise £500 - can you help? Donate here
November 8, 2012 |