West London Free School To Open Primary Next Year

School sets up consultation to seek views of parents

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The West London Free School charitable trust has been given the green light by the Department for Education to open a primary school in September of next year.

The parents and teachers behind the school have embarked on a consultation, seeking the views of local parents and any other stakeholders with an interest in the school. The consultation is open until 5pm on December 31, 2012

The West London Free School says it is now the most over-subscribed state secondary in Hammersmith and Fulham, with nine applicants for every place. Like the secondary,
the primary will offer children a classical liberal education, focusing on a core of academic subjects complemented by art, music, drama and competitive sport.

It will also serve as a feeder to the secondary so any children applying from the primary will be given priority and a joint-school sibling policy will mean that children applying to
the secondary who have siblings at the primary will be given priority and vice versa.

For the consultation, a questionnaire can be completed at www.wlfs.org/primary-school or in hardcopy using one of the consultation leaflets being distributed across the borough.

Toby Young, the chairman of the West London Free School charitable trust, says: “I
helped set up the West London Free School because I believe that all children should
have access to a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability. That
approach has proved so popular with local parents that my group is now opening a
second school and our aim is to open a new one every year for as long as there is
demand for this type of school from parents .”

November 26, 2012