Let Them Bake Cake

Flutterby Cupcake Classes offer everyone the chance to try their hand at baking!

Visit www.flutterbybakehouse.co.uk or call us on 020 8995 8477 to discuss your ideas

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CUPCAKE CLASSES: It’s all the rage, creating beautifully decorated cupcakes for friends, family and special events. Flutterby Bakehouse is running classes in Chiswick, West London, for you to try your hand at baking, sugarcraft and piping in a fun atmosphere. Come and unleash your creativity! Classes are enjoyed by novices as well as intermediate bakers and decorators. We offer all day or half-day classes...or why not make it a party? All are fun and furious and include lots of tea, coffee and of course cake! You need bring nothing apart from your enthusiasm!

PRIVATE PARTIES: Whether it be a birthday party, baby shower or a hen do, Flutterby Bakehouse can visit your kitchen and entertain your gathering to a cupcake decorating session. There’s no need to invest in a celebratory cake (or party bags), they can make their own! We’ll bring along everything that is needed to create beautiful cupcakes and you just supply the party atmosphere!

PRIVATE PARTIES - 3 hours £30 per head (minimum of 6 guests) CHILDREN’S PARTIES (+6 years) - 2 hours £120 for up to 6 children (£15 per additional child)

“The girls adored making and eating their creations - a winning party theme! Thankyou for keeping us all occupied”

“It’s a really fun way to spend a day with girlfriends and very satisfying to have made such beautiful things by the end of it!“


September 19, 2011