Police launch major Chiswick crime blitz

'Boys on Bikes' a target of operation last Friday

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Last Friday (February 11th) a major Police Operation took place in Chiswick. Over 50 officers went on patrol in a operation which aimed to reassure the neighbourhood and target the most prolific offenders.

Recent research and crime analysis has shown that Chiswick is being targeted on Fridays by robbers and burglars. As a result fifty Hounslow officers patrolled the area supported by colleagues from the British Transport Police. Tactics included high visibility patrols, plain clothes patrols and the deployment of the new overt CCTV van.

Specific attention was be paid to youths riding pedal cycles in the area who match descriptions giving following previous crimes. Hounslow Magistrates court has recently issued an ASBO banning a Terrence Pearce from riding a bike within the M25 and excluding him from Chiswick as a result of persistent offending. Any persons arrested during this operation will, if appropriate, face a similar application. (See related item)

Chief Superintendent Ali Dizaei said, " I am sure that the local community in Chiswick will welcome the Police attention and I am confident that it will lead to a reduction in crime and provide reassurance to local households and businesses. The primary aim is deterrence, we aim to deter criminals visiting Chiswick to commit crime and catch those who persist. In the future we will increase our successful use of ASBO's and ban persistent thieves where appropriate. This is the first of many similar operations I intend to plan."

The police acknowledge that in publicising the operation they may forewarn some of the individuals but they are keen to send out a message that this kind of crime is not being tolerated.

February 11, 2005