Evie Battles Through the Pain Barrier to Finish Race

Chiswick School student completes London Marathon for Children with Cancer


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Showing amazing resilience and determination Evie Rothwell Douglas, 18, and a student at Chiswick School Sixth Form, completed the London Marathon despite suffering a knee injury.

As an 18 year old, Evie was one of the youngest out of the 37,000 competitors to enter the race. After 11 miles her knee ballooned up and she had to call in to a St. John’s Ambulance tent in Bermondsey to get it strapped.

This did not stop Evie and she battled on against pain and fatigue to finish the race in 5 hours and 9 minutes: an incredible achievement. ‘I had a feeling of total relief when I crossed the line’, she said.

Evie chose to raise money for the charity Children with Cancer. ‘I picked it because I fell really strongly that all young people should have a chance in life and too many are struck down by this illness’. She managed to raise the grand total of £2267.85 for the charity.

Evie is still a little stiff but is now fully mobile again. No one begrudged her a day off school on Monday to rest. ‘I feel really proud of myself’, she said, ‘and am still in a state of disbelief.’

‘I’m incredibly impressed by her resilience. It reflects her commitment to the charity and her overall approach to everything she does. She knows that excellence can only be achieved through considerable effort’, said Mr. Sadler assistant Head teacher for the Sixth Form and also a marathon runner himself.

Evie has offers from various universities next year including in the States, and has yet to decide what she will do. She has been an excellent role model to other students at Chiswick and her achievements will stand her in good stead in whatever she does.

April 27, 2012